Martin's Four

Heidi's living with three boys!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Superbowl Sunday!

So, how dissappointing was that?
We had a bunch of people over and everyone except for Jim, Rob's brother, was cheering for Seattle. There was a lot of frustration about the reffing. At one point Rob got so upset that he commanded that the children leave the room so they wouldn't hear the bad words he so desperately wanted to yell. Even though the outcome of the game was a downer we did have fun. We have a Shaw digital box so we could watch the American feed and see all the new "cool" superbowl commercials that they wouldn't show on the Canadian channels. Like it's so hard to find them on the internet right Rob? ;)
And Ian had so much fun cheering "yeah hupball!" and eating chips that according to him it was a very successful party. At the end when people were saying goodbye Ian was heard saying "no bye-bye, no bye-bye".
Now both kids are sleeping, and since we brought the TV upstairs for the game, Rob and I can cozy up together on the big couch and spend some quality time watching TV...


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