
This is Ian at 3.5 months old. He's in our friends Jen and Dwayne's exersaucer, and he barely fit into it. Last night Rob put Jayden into ours and he's only 2.5 months old but he's half an inch longer than Ian was at that age. His feet reach the bottom of it! He didn't seem too impressed but was content for about a half an hour.

(Ha ha...look what I did!! I figured out how to move the pictures around to where I want them. It's funny how happy that makes me.)
More comparisons...
Ian was nursing 8-10 times a day, Jayden nurses 6-7 times. Ian slept thru the night (8hrs ish) starting around 3 mos (it only lasted a month though and then it was back to 4-5hrs), Jayden started sleeping 6-8hr stretches almost 2 weeks ago, and yet Jayden is half a pound heavier than Ian was. They're both extremely happy contented babies, we totally lucked out (or I should say have been completely blessed by God). I've heard so many stories about people who had one easy child and then one difficult one. Maybe I'm jinxing us here and one day Jayden will transform into a cranky monster, but so far, if it's possible, he is even more laid back and relaxed than Ian was. On the other hand he also knows how to cry way better than Ian did. When Jayden is hungry he needs to be fed immediately or there is much weeping and wailing with real tears. We didn't see tears from Ian until he was almost 4 months old.
It really is amazing how different children are, how much of their personality is present, at such a young age. I'm really looking forward to see more of Jayden's uniqueness as he grows older.
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