Martin's Four

Heidi's living with three boys!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Get around, get around, he gets around, oh...

After many days of hard work and practice, much squirming backwards on his tummy and rocking on his hands and knees, Jayden has finally managed to crawl forward.

Once he reached the dump truck he collapsed to take a well deserved rest.

In other news he sleeps 7-9 hrs at night about half the time. The other half he's up every 3-4 hrs wanting to nurse. My poor breasts are so confused I'm working on my second plugged duct in as many weeks. We did find a nipple that will allow him to take formula from a bottle, even when I feed it to him, and when that doesn't work he'll drink from a sippy cup. He still only eats bananas and cheerios though, but I've been to lazy to try anything else recently. Thank goodness he'll take formula now, since my 10 year reunion is tomorrow night in Chilliwack, and Rob's brother Jim is marrying his sweetheart Christy on Sunday, and we definitely want to have some childless fun.


  • At 1/8/06 18:02, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yay for childless fun! Have a good time :)


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