Things that make Rob happy.
Ever since I've known my husband, I've known how much he likes TV, especially BIG TV's. And videos games. He actually spread it around that for a wedding present he wanted Play Station 2. He didn't get it. Up until now he's made do with a fairly average 27" TV, the computer sports games, and then a DVD player...but he's never stopped talking about the someday when all his TV viewing dreams would come true. Friday was that day. Downstairs in our TV room we now have an HDPVR, yes that's a high-definition personal video recorder from Shaw digital cable, with a surround sound system, soon an X-Box 360 will join the family, and it is put through a projector that makes the viewing screen 7 feet wide upon our wall! I mean really, the word that comes to my mind is "obscene". Rob's words: "freakin' AMAZING!!!" Do you know how many books I could have bought instead? Rob soooo owes me.
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