Martin's Four

Heidi's living with three boys!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Our life in pictures.

It's so hard to get them both to sit still for the camera. I think this is the best I've got in months. You can see how long Jayden's hair was getting. He got a real boy haircut at Easter and now you can see a much stronger resemblance between the two of them. He still gets called a girl though, he's THAT pretty. :)

Jim with new baby Kiera. Really, she is the most beautiful baby girl ever. I'm so excited about having a niece that I can do girly stuff with. Sometimes the boy stuff in this house of mine gets a little overwhelming.

The new "Boy's Bedroom".

Jayden in the hotel room wearing Ian's Canucks jersey because he peed his pants, and all over my lap at the hockey game and Ian's shirt was longer and covered his legs better. I remembered extra pants for the next game.

We went to the Fort Worth Zoo on the Monday. I won't bore you with pictures of all the animals we saw. They were some cool animals, but zoos are sad too. So here's a picture of Ian's first ride on a carosaul. After about 10 seconds he said "all done", but I convinced him had to stay on for the whole song. He did have fun after a while.

Here's another example of Rob's picture taking skills. You can't even see poor Jayden's face.

At the hockey game. I can't believe I didn't take pictures of any hockey action. Rob's mom has more picture of the arena. It's an impressive building, very pretty with lots of big windows.

It's blurry but I was excited and Jayden is squirmy.

The boys out on our deck on one of the very rare sunny days we've had this spring.

Jayden does this fabulous kissy face when I ask him for a kiss. I love it. He's just too cute!

Well now you're pretty much caught up with us. Oh, one more thing, Jayden and I have ANOTHER STINKING COLD!! Ughh, I'm so sick of sickness. I can't wait for some sun and decent temperatures. How about you?

So you know a little more about me...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

So much little time...

  • I turned 29 on March 20. That same day Rob's brother Jim's wife Christy gave birth by C-section to the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen. Best gift ever, my first niece. New baby Keira is Rob's parents first granddaughter after five grandsons. She is sooo spoiled.
  • Rob had a birthday too four days after mine. We planned on spending a night in a really fancy hotel downtown Vancouver on the 30th but had to cancel it when we got hit with V&D sickness (#3 since Christmas). Ian only puked twice but had the big D for several days. I have never seen so much vomit come out of one small child in my life; poor Jayden got hit the worst. He had both for about a week. Rob was laid flat for about a day and a half. I spent about 10 minutes on the toilet with cramps, so I got to nurse everyone else and clean up the messes. (So yucky!)
  • Easter was fairly quiet. One dinner with Rob's family, one with mine.
  • We moved the boys into the same bedroom. I took pictures but my camera doesn't want to talk to the computer tonight. The transition was bumpy the first couple nights but they've got the hang of it now. Both of them are pretty good about sleeping through the others cries.
  • I joined LA Weight Loss. Fifteen pounds have crept back on since I began the weaning process with Jayden last July. I haven't really gained much since he quit nursing in December, but I like eating, and hate exercising, too much to get myself motivated enought to lose it on my own. Now that I'm paying someone to help me lose the weight, it's much easier to stick to the diet instead of eating all the leftover Easter chocolate we have. I lost 3 pounds in the first four days.
  • Then I had a wisdom tooth taken out. It started growing in while I was pregnant with Ian. I used pregnancy and nursing as an excuse to put off having it delt with because I hate getting dental procedures done. It's linked to my extreme phobia of needles. Needles make me cry. So I dosed myself up good with Ativan and everything is sort of fuzzy in memory about the whole thing, but I still cried when I needed to get ANOTHER shot in the roof of my mouth because the first one didn't take effect enough. Then, in my drugged state, I had a stupid argument with the dentist about whether he was pulling the right tooth or not. For some reason I thought he didn't have the right tooth clamped up ready to pull out. Me: A yu ur tu a uh igh oo (Are you sure you have the right tooth)? Dentist: Yes, I have the right one. Me: ee-ee? i ee-ee ah aa er. (Really? It's really far back there?) Dentist: Yes I'm sure, I wouldn't pull the wrong one. Me: ee-ee? oh ur? (Really? For sure?) Assisstant: Heidi, he really has the right one. Dentist: I definitely have the right tooth. Don't worry. OK? Me: o-ay. After it was all over I lost it and had another bit of a cry. I'm so lame. Then I passed out and slept until the next morning pretty much. That was a week ago and I still can't chew on that side, but otherwise I'm doing ok now.
  • Then my hockey crazy husband and his hockey crazy mother got a brilliant idea to go to Dallas so we could cheer on the Canucks live for games 3 and 4 of the playoff series. So we got some great airmiles deal on tickets to Dallas from Seattle connecting through Phoenix. On Saturday we packed up the kids for their first ever plane ride (we bought a portable DVD player just for this, and some Dora DVDs), made sure we had our Canucks jerseys, and went to Texas. Our two little boys were AMAZING the entire trip. Plane rides, sleeping in hotels, eating in restaurants, going to hockey games, visiting the zoo. We were totally blown away with how well they did. Everywhere we went people commented, first on how adorable they are, then on how good they were. And yes I'm totally bragging, but I don't think it had anything to do with us as parents. We were just completely blessed. The trip was awesome. The Canucks won both games. I'll post more details about the trip when I get the pictures downloaded.