It's been a while hasn't it?
First to answer some questions.
A Bowflex is a home exercise equipment that simulates weightlifting, but uses bendy rods with varying degrees of resistance. Strength training basically. It's quieter and safer for the kids than a weight system. I love it. Finding time to actually use it is the hard part.
I'm done with the weight loss thing. I spent two months trying and actually ended up losing almost 10 pounds. I didn't make my goal to get down to the lowest I was after Jayden was born but I look smokin' and better than I did then because I'm more toned. We're eating healthier, I have more energy, and so far I've maintained (and lost a little more) for the past 3 weeks. Yay me!! I'm even eating chocolate again, in extreme moderation of course. :)
A Bowflex is a home exercise equipment that simulates weightlifting, but uses bendy rods with varying degrees of resistance. Strength training basically. It's quieter and safer for the kids than a weight system. I love it. Finding time to actually use it is the hard part.
I'm done with the weight loss thing. I spent two months trying and actually ended up losing almost 10 pounds. I didn't make my goal to get down to the lowest I was after Jayden was born but I look smokin' and better than I did then because I'm more toned. We're eating healthier, I have more energy, and so far I've maintained (and lost a little more) for the past 3 weeks. Yay me!! I'm even eating chocolate again, in extreme moderation of course. :)
Time for pictures. I actually hadn't downloaded any for the past two months, but was forced to when my camera ran out of memory.
Mr Blue Jay who we saw in our yard quite often this spring.

Ian likes to pretend he's taking a picture when we take his.
Jayden looks more and more like Rob everyday. He's also looking more like his brother too.
My kids are so cute! I wonder where they got that from?

Watching Daddy cut down half the cedar hedge. All the heavy snow we got this past winter did some permanent damage.
Long day, dinner was exhausting. Click on the picture...aren't those lashes to die for?
Jay-Jay loves his cousin baby Keira. (Guess how many pictures I had to take to get that shot, and how many times Jayden was asked to kiss-kiss the baby.)

Rob enjoys taking the boys for bike rides in the bike trailer. I enjoy not knowing where he takes them until later. That way I don't have to worry about the fruit of my loins in traffic on the Lions Gate Bridge.
Our new to us trailer. Camping here we come! In fact we're going again tomorrow.

I can NOT get those boys to pose nicely for a picture together.
Dance party tonight with Moulin Rouge soundtrack and a wooden spoon.

Jayden looks more and more like Rob everyday. He's also looking more like his brother too.

Rob enjoys taking the boys for bike rides in the bike trailer. I enjoy not knowing where he takes them until later. That way I don't have to worry about the fruit of my loins in traffic on the Lions Gate Bridge.

(Jayden really needed a haircut there.)

I can NOT get those boys to pose nicely for a picture together.

In other news, I was rear ended three weeks ago. If you're on facebook you knew that all ready. See what your missing out on?
I was stopped on an on ramp, one of the really short ones with a yield sign. I was yielding. I was twisted looking over my left shoulder to watch the oncoming traffic when suddenly I was smashed into from behind. ICBC replaced my bumper but will not cover my injuries as it was deemed a Low Velocity Impact. Due to the twistedness of my position when hit I have whiplash. It's getting better slowly. I'm seeing a physiotherapist. We're thinking of seeing a lawyer.
Last Saturday I went to Football 202, at the BC Lions training facility. I did 101 last summer. 202 invloved doing drills with the players. I got a bunch of signatures on the t-shirt they gave me. I met some cool football players. Jen Hansen came with me. We had fun. I'm so lame, I couldn't find my camera so I have no photo proof of the day. I also couldn't catch the ball at Jason Clermont's station. I'm blaming it on my whiplash, I wasn't really trying that hard. I did catch it at Buck Pierce's station when Jen threw to me, but he complained about my throwing. :)
Well, there you go. Long post. Hope you stuck around to the end. Feel free to comment on the gorgeousness of my children.
At 26/6/07 23:27,
The Hansens said…
I concur, your children are gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as those hits, throws, and catches you were making at football 202. That was sooo fun! Thanks for bringing me along. See you at the game.
Jen =)
At 29/6/07 14:44,
Shirley said…
Sooooo Cute! Your kids have changed so much! They do look alike! It is hard to tell them apart execpt for the color of their hair.
At 29/6/07 23:18,
wendy said…
yep, darn cute.... has Jayden gotten a haircut yet???
At 9/7/07 07:44,
karen said…
They do look alot alike!
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