Martin's Four

Heidi's living with three boys!

Sunday, July 22, 2007


We've been doing a LOT of camping. Usually about every other week. We've done three trips down to Birch Bay, WA, and our latest outing was to Oliver with the Hansens and the Bonds.

Down in Birch Bay they have a Miniature World, with a train ride and Go-Karts. It takes a lot to impress Jayden, who stayed pretty sober for the whole ride and then refused to pose with Ian with Thomas the Tank Engine who was the train we got to ride. Ian loved it.

Ian's been asking for a bike for a while. He's too little for the littlest two-wheelers, he's got short legs. And he won't use the pedals on tricyles so he just ends up frustrated and upset. So we found him one of these new very small two-wheelers with no pedals. The idea is for kids to end up running and then coasting, thereby hopefully learning the balance part of biking without having to use training wheels. Ian needs to work on the steering though first. He smacked head first into a wall on his first attempt and now refuses to try sitting on the seat and running so now spends all his time pushing it while running beside. It is pretty cute though, and he has a blast.

I finally got a somewhat decent picture of the two boys together. It's not Sears but it works.

Our trailer may look small from the outside, but it has remarkably good use of space inside. It's cozy and warm. Sleeps six. Lots of seating. Large table. Even a good chunk of floor space for the boys to play. Why would they need to play inside the trailer? Because of our four outings we've had rain on three occassions.
I love that picture of Ian. He's such a nut!

Our camping trip with the Bond and Hansen famillies was a lot of fun. All the kids played great together. Ian talks about it all the time. We can't wait to do more! Of course we don't have any pictures from that trip because I'm a lame-o with a camera and kept forgetting it in the trailer or truck and was too lazy to go back and find it.

On another note, Rob and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary this year by camping in a 17' trailer with two toddlers. It was the one camping trip that we didn't have rain and the weather was sunny and gorgeous. It was also the only trip we've had on our own without friends or Rob's parents, so all in all it was pretty nice. We came back on the actual day of our anniversary and had a nice dinner with Rob's family where we also celebrated his sister's birthday and had cake.