Facetime and Flexing.
I have a new past time on the internet. It's called Facebook. You may have heard of it. I'm in love. It's so easy, and addictive. I found a bunch of people I went to Kindergarten with. Kindergarten! Have you ever wondered "Hmm, whatever happened to so'n'so"? Well now, if you're on facebook, you can just type in their name in the search box, and if you're like me, about 50% of the time you'll find them, and then you'll know. Wow. Boys you had a crush on in Juniour High? There they are! Girls who made you feel inadequate in high school? Yup, them too! Co-workers? Family? Random goofballs. And it's ALL FREE. ((sigh)) I really don't need another excuse to ignore reality, but it really is so much fun.
Speaking of reality...we bought a Bowflex. So now I flex. Ha ha. The best thing about it is that it's in the privacy of my own home because I look like such a wimp on it it's embarrassing. So the weight loss thing with LA Weight Loss isn't so great. In the last month I've lost 5 pounds. That's it! And I'm barely eating HALF of what I used to enjoy!! No chocolate, no cake, no chocolate cake, etc. They promised that I'd lose 2 pounds a week. They keep telling me it'll happen eventually. Everyone's body is different. Believe me. There has been NO cheating. And I have 3 weeks left to lose 8 pounds to make my goal. HA! I've almost concluded that my body needs to be a little bit rolly, that anything less than 10 pounds more than I like is physically impossible to achieve. There's no other explanation that I can think of.
I'm sorry if this sounded a bit woe is me. It was. But I figure I probably don't have much of a readership so I can say whatever I want to make me feel better.
Anyways, if you want to cheer me up. Go on over to facebook, look me up, and be my friend.
Speaking of reality...we bought a Bowflex. So now I flex. Ha ha. The best thing about it is that it's in the privacy of my own home because I look like such a wimp on it it's embarrassing. So the weight loss thing with LA Weight Loss isn't so great. In the last month I've lost 5 pounds. That's it! And I'm barely eating HALF of what I used to enjoy!! No chocolate, no cake, no chocolate cake, etc. They promised that I'd lose 2 pounds a week. They keep telling me it'll happen eventually. Everyone's body is different. Believe me. There has been NO cheating. And I have 3 weeks left to lose 8 pounds to make my goal. HA! I've almost concluded that my body needs to be a little bit rolly, that anything less than 10 pounds more than I like is physically impossible to achieve. There's no other explanation that I can think of.
I'm sorry if this sounded a bit woe is me. It was. But I figure I probably don't have much of a readership so I can say whatever I want to make me feel better.
Anyways, if you want to cheer me up. Go on over to facebook, look me up, and be my friend.
At 8/5/07 19:24,
Shirley said…
Hi! I still read! I know what you mean about the weight loss thing. I have started this new healthy diet - not to loose weight but to feel healthier but it would be nice to see some weight loss too but my weight has stayed the same and it has been 3 plus weeks! You should hang in there because people have done it and lost. Both my sisters have lost many pounds together and look great! Maybe pump up the cardio??? If you aren't already doing that. I know I need to.
At 8/5/07 21:59,
Anonymous said…
I'm already a Facebook friend :)
At 9/5/07 21:13,
karen said…
I'm glad I'm already your friend -- at Facebook (which is so fun) and in real life (more importantly!).
At 10/5/07 08:06,
Elizabeth said…
I think that's strange about the WW thing, not that I'm an expert. I know that sometimes it takes a while for your body to become accustomed to a new level of activity or a new diet or something, it needs to know how to change what it currently does before it can change where it "sends" your food. Maybe that's it?
At 10/5/07 21:35,
Anonymous said…
i'm a reader... and what the heck is a bowflex? And I know about Facebook..... i'll say it.... i'm a bit (a little bit) addicted too!
At 22/6/07 06:30,
Piers and Tamar said…
Hey Heidi,
Was just reading old emails and saw the note you left on our blog AGES ago! Well, we didn't fall off the face of the earth, we're back in Jerusalem being productively employed people again. No more bumming around for us. We're serious now. So what is a bowflex? I hope you hit your weight loss target. I'm only gaining (can't tell you why, it's a secret!)
Anyway, hope you're having fun. I'll update the blog before long. No Facebooking though, I'm sure it's a government conspiracy to monitor our lives and brainwash everyone with subliminal messaging. Think about it...
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