I know this is cliche, but.....
...my babies grow soooo fast!
Jayden especially. Last week he completely skipped over the 3-6mos size onesies and moved right into the 6-9mos shirts and sleepers. As for cute little outfits, 3-6mos size seems to be still fitting...for now. Even though he's not quite 12 pounds yet, he's really really loooong, and we need to put size 2 diapers on him or he goes around with plumber bum, and that is disasterous when he poops.
Ian did not grow this fast. I know this because I had him weighed and measured every two weeks for at least 6 months, and I kept meticulous records. But you know how, when you have your second child, and your first is still a toddler, your baby, they seem to get monstrously huge compared to your new one? That's how it is with Ian. And everytime I lift Ian after carrying around Jayden, it strikes me all over again how my baby is no longer a baby. In fact he's becoming more and more a 2 year old every day...
Jayden especially. Last week he completely skipped over the 3-6mos size onesies and moved right into the 6-9mos shirts and sleepers. As for cute little outfits, 3-6mos size seems to be still fitting...for now. Even though he's not quite 12 pounds yet, he's really really loooong, and we need to put size 2 diapers on him or he goes around with plumber bum, and that is disasterous when he poops.
Ian did not grow this fast. I know this because I had him weighed and measured every two weeks for at least 6 months, and I kept meticulous records. But you know how, when you have your second child, and your first is still a toddler, your baby, they seem to get monstrously huge compared to your new one? That's how it is with Ian. And everytime I lift Ian after carrying around Jayden, it strikes me all over again how my baby is no longer a baby. In fact he's becoming more and more a 2 year old every day...
At 21/2/06 21:52,
Shirley said…
I know what you mean! They do grow so fast...faster this time it seems. I can't keep up with the clothes change over for Braden. By the time I realize that something is too small, it seems that the next size JUST fits.
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