Really tired.
It's been a week and a half since we cut Jayden off of his 4am bottle. He still wakes up at least once in the night. At first he wailed his lungs out for anywhere from 1.5 hrs to 3 hrs until resigning himself to sleep again. The reasons we've stopped feeding Jayden at night is, one, he doesn't need it, two, maybe he'll eat more solids during the day, and three, we really want to get a whole nights sleep ourselves. So far he seems to be doing better with solids, but we still aren't sleeping well.
On top of that Ian has had one nap in the past week. ?!!???!!?!?!?!?! Hello? He still totally needs to nap. By 5pm he's falling to pieces. His behaviour is worse, his tantrums more frequent, and louder and longer. Ian not napping means I don't get my daily nap either, hence increased exhaustion. Potty training is officially on the back burner, it's just not worth it if he throws a fit everytime we want him to sit on the toilet. And we still haven't figured out how to get him to stop beating on Jayden.
It's not so much physical tiredness (although there's a bunch of that), but the emotional and mental drain of dealing with a two year old. It wears me down. To counteract the funk that threatens to overwhelm me some days, I seek escape. Some of my faves are;* other peoples blogs (one of these days I'll let you know what an internet stalker I am), novels read in a hot bath, Starbucks decaf mocha no whip (mmmmm, and since the end of nursing is in sight, soon I'll make that full caffeine), solo grocery shopping trips, and of course Wednesday mornings Breakaway at church (today we did pedicures and my toes are oh so pretty). Other recent highlights of my life include a Pampered Chef party that I spent money at, and I completey hooked on this new show on TV 'Jericho' (tonights episode gave me goosebumps). I'm also contemplating water-robics at the rec-center. I tried a class. The easiest class, which was for old people with arthritis. The instructor very politely told me I could stay and try, but may want to join one of the other classes. My legs felt like cooked noodles after the 45 min class, that's how pathetic I am. The other classes are a full hour long. Now I'm scared. Do I try one of the other classes and die in the attempt, which would be humiliating, or go back to easy class and admit to the instructor my patheticness, and be the youngest member by about 30 or more years, which is also humiliating in a way. Please help me decide what to do. If I can't decide I just may go back to eating chocolate in bed watching TV.
Now some pic of some other faves (live ones).
Jayden likes to make messes, he can even say "uh oh". We've stepped up the childproofing and put clips on some cupboard doors so he can't open them. That's something we never had to do for Ian.

He likes to walk. No independent steps quite yet but can stand alone. My bet is he'll be walking before he's a year.

The local fire department had an open house and Ian really had fun with the fire trucks.

The little boys in this house have colds again, for the second time in a month, and they're both coughing like crazy, so I expect another night of little sleep since Rob is working tonight and only Mommy is around to tend the babies. So goodnight.
* English pros out there, did I use the punctuation correctly? I have a fear that I make really bad mistakes and annoy readers and that's why no one ever comments on my blog.