Happy Hallowe'en!
Ian dressed up as a puppy dog and was very excited to get candy and chocolate.
Jayden got to dress up too but he stayed home to help Rob hand out candy. Rob took this picture and I knew I wasn't ready when he snapped it but when he looked at it he said "Good enough" and wouldn't take another one.
So Ian and I went trick-or-treating to a few houses close by. Ian chanting "trickotreat, trickotreat" almost the whole time until we got to a door, then needed prompting to say it when the door was answered. Many of the houses had jack-o-lanterns and Ian, picking up on the spirit of the occassion, declared them "spooooky!"
And then when we arrived home he proceeded to continue filling his bag with candy from the bowl we had to give out. We went out around 6pm and only ran into one other kid. We also only had about 20 kids visit our door, so we had a LOT of chocolate left over.
Hope you all had fun too.
At 1/11/06 19:30,
karen said…
I can't believe you only got 20 kids in that neighborhood! Oh well, Ian is very cute, and isn't it awesome to take them trick or treating and then eat all of their good candy?
At 1/11/06 20:30,
Heidi said…
Ian did have several layers on under that costume and like I could get him to keep mittens on, or the puppy dog head for that matter.
And yes, the chocolate supply we have in this house is amazing. So far Ian is keeping pretty good tabs on is haul, and I am having to practice some pretty hard self-control.
At 2/11/06 10:00,
Anonymous said…
The boys look ADORABLE!!
At 6/11/06 22:17,
Shirley said…
Very cute! Your kids are growing up so fast!
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