Great food, good people, fun times...
We opened stockings at our house Christmas morning...
...then headed to Rob's parents for more Christmas, presents, and turkey. There was some over-indulgence.
This Christmas I have felt so grateful. I am so blessed. Even though we did get some great stuff, I'm so happy that we could spend time with our dear families, stuff our bellies, and make some great memories, while celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour.
So from us to you, may this holiday season bring blessings, and may you have joy in the New Year.
Now we're off to Cancun in less than 48 hours so I'll probably not be posting until we get back. I still have to do ALL my packing, plus packing for the kids too. At least the house is clean.
At 29/12/06 09:11,
Anonymous said…
Have a great trip!!!
At 29/12/06 12:59,
Anonymous said…
We had a great Christmas with family and food too!!! You're awesome!
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