My Baby Boy!
Baby Jayden isn't really a baby anymore, he's a one year old toddler! (This is so overdue I'm ashamed.)
At 3:14am, November 21, 2005, Jayden Robert was born. He was loud, and very very red. He seemed to be the exact opposite of his brother. Once he became accustomed to our ways, and the ways of nursing, things calmed down and he was shown to be a very happy content, mostly quiet, baby. He learned early to make his needs known immediately since he was competing for attention with a toddler who could scream louder than he could. He was a wonderful sleeper, until he hit 6 months. He was always a fabulous nurser, but did not take kindly to solids. He's a bit sensitive, he takes awhile to warm up to people, won't smile right away, but has the greatest giggle I've ever heard.
He's now walking all over the place. Being constantly knocked over by the bully big brother doesn't seem to deter him at all. He will eat almost anything we put in front of him as long as he can feed it to himself. Holds a sippy cup like a pro and is pretty good at using a spoon to feed himself too. I think it has something to do with doing everything that Ian does. Ian is his most favourite person in the whole world. His little self will is developing nicely as well. He's learned how to scream when he doesn't get what he wants.
This past year I've learned so much more about being a mother. A mother to two different boys. It's the most difficult, yet the most sweetest thing I've ever had to do.
I love you Jay-Jay!

At 3:14am, November 21, 2005, Jayden Robert was born. He was loud, and very very red. He seemed to be the exact opposite of his brother. Once he became accustomed to our ways, and the ways of nursing, things calmed down and he was shown to be a very happy content, mostly quiet, baby. He learned early to make his needs known immediately since he was competing for attention with a toddler who could scream louder than he could. He was a wonderful sleeper, until he hit 6 months. He was always a fabulous nurser, but did not take kindly to solids. He's a bit sensitive, he takes awhile to warm up to people, won't smile right away, but has the greatest giggle I've ever heard.
He's now walking all over the place. Being constantly knocked over by the bully big brother doesn't seem to deter him at all. He will eat almost anything we put in front of him as long as he can feed it to himself. Holds a sippy cup like a pro and is pretty good at using a spoon to feed himself too. I think it has something to do with doing everything that Ian does. Ian is his most favourite person in the whole world. His little self will is developing nicely as well. He's learned how to scream when he doesn't get what he wants.
This past year I've learned so much more about being a mother. A mother to two different boys. It's the most difficult, yet the most sweetest thing I've ever had to do.
I love you Jay-Jay!

At 9/12/06 19:07,
Anonymous said…
SO CUTE! Happy (Belated) Birthday!!
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