Trailer Camping, a little bit of Tenting, and Rain.
Friday we headed up to Osooyos. We stopped at Manning to get fed and let Ian run around a bit. Then we ended up taking a wrong turn and so decided to stop and see Karen and Travis in Penticton first. We gave them no warning as we didn't have their number with us. When we knocked on the door and Karen opened it Ian just walked right in and started playing with the toys. I think he must have thought it looked like home and anyone who has toys like that must be ok. It's funny since lately he's been acting really shy with people.
After a short visit we headed down to camp with Rob's parents. That evening it started to rain but Ian and Rob still slept out in the tent. I'm afraid that we brought coastal weather with us to the Okanagan.
Ian was up with first light at around 6am. Rob was nice enough to take themselves off to McDonalds so the rest of us could sleep a little longer. It rained and poured almost all day Saturday. Thankfully Ian slept for 3 hours in the afternoon, Rob's parents had cable TV (yay Treehouse!), and then Rob took Ian swimming with the Bond kids in the indoor swimming pool that the campground has.
Here's Ian with a girl on each arm. Grace and Sarah.
I have to say that those Bonds grow beautiful children.
And here's the three baby boys. Baby Ben knows exactly what to do when there's a camera around. Jayden is very confused by cameras, and Braden is way more interested in toys.
The highlight of our Saturday was when Jayden did a massive poop. Since starting solids the week before he'd gone SIX days without pooping. We took a break from the cereal and then he had a most impressive movement. The next best thing that happened on Saturday was the sun coming out for dinner.
Here's Ian playing golf with the girls. Rob thinks Ian looks a bit welfare with his old hoe that grandma Bond found at a garage sale last May long weekend, while the others have a nice new set of toy golf clubs that she brought this year. (Boy was grandma Bond prepared! She had all kinds of neat things to play with, while we only brought his hoe and a soccer ball. We obviously weren't expecting so much rain.)
Sunday Ian was up even earlier at 530. It was a little easier for Rob to keep him entertained playing outside while we sleepers in the trailer got a bit more shut eye. Rob only got 9 holes of golf in that morning, planning to do the other 9 in the evening, but then the rain came back. We then decided to just pack up and head home that night. Not much point in staying for a rainy night and morning just to fight traffic all the way home. Ian didn't nap as well on Sunday and was beginning to lose it a little. So we left around 9pm and both kids slept most of the way home.
All in all it was a fun weekend. We enjoyed our visits with all the Bonds, and Ian had a blast playing with those pretty pretty Bond girls. So here's a picture of Ian and Sarah with a baby carriage. Visions of the future perhaps? Hmm, before that happens Ian will have to toughen up and not let Sarah push him around so much. ;)

At 26/5/06 10:33,
karen said…
hahaha! :) That was a fun weekend (from what I hear anyways) -- it was great to see you guys when you took the wrong turn, and then I had visions of the future of us camping, and of the past -- the boys camping when they were little. That's what good memories are made of!
At 26/5/06 13:12,
Angella said…
Sounds like a good weekend DESPITE our rain!
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