A Motherly Weekend.
My mother. She is beautiful, so giving, and has a great sense of humour. I love her like crazy! To show her some appreciation, and give a little something back, we had her and my dad, and my sister, over for dinner on Saturday. Rob and I did dinner, and my sister brought dessert.
After dinner and the guests had left, the four of us packed into the car and headed out to the drive-in movie theatre for a double feature. First we saw 'Failure to Launch'. Very funny, much fun. By the end of it both kids were sleeping. Great. Rob and I thought we'd get to enjoy the next movie on our own, 'Mission Impossible III'. Nope. That would have been too easy. About 30 minutes into it Ian wakes with a vengeance. It appeared that he was rather ticked off that he was stuck in his car seat. His crying woke Jayden who proceeded to scream as well. Rob tried to settle Ian while I settled Jayden. It was not meant to be. So off home we went. Got to sleep by 1am.
Baby woke at 7. Ian woke at 730, but was convinced to go back to sleep for another hour. I sort of got to sleep in while Rob took Ian to church. I baked a chocolate cake, Rob made me Eggos with strawberries and whipped cream, then I made a smoked salmon/cream cheese spread for crackers. While the kids napped I got myself ready to go. Then we packed up the food I'd made, and the kids, and headed off to a Mother's Day lunch with Rob's extended Martin family. We had a nice visit with everyone and of course Ian had fun running around with his cousins.
When we got home Rob took the boys downstairs so I could clean up the kitchen from dinner the night before. Then I folded two loads of laundry while we watched the finale of Survivor. We went to sleep around midnight I think.
Now you may be thinking that my Mother's Day didn't sound very restful or relaxing. To be sure I spent a lot of time cooking and cleaning. But I did have a bit of break from being a mommy. Rob did most of the child care. He got both boys dressed and ready, changed almost all the diapers all day, and kept them occupied so I could to housework. You see, Rob is such a fantastic husband and father, that almost everyday feels like Mother's Day to me. Rob cooks, cleans, does laundry, vacuums, and changes Ian's poopy diapers most of the time (they REALLY stink). So because he had a cold this weekend, and is such a swell guy (for the most part), I let him take over "mommying" stuff while I took over the house.
Today Jayden had me up at 4am. Rob left for work before 630am (not to return until 730pm). Ian woke up at 745. I've changed two poopy diapers, dusted, vacuumed, washed floors, entertained Rob's grandma, dealt with a temper tantrum, pulled some weeds, and made dinner, along with all the usual taking care of kids stuff like nursing, playing, reading books and singing songs etc, etc. So I'm right back into being a mom. And I LOVE it. I am so blessed. There is truly no greater job on earth.
So here's a cute picture of the two boys that call me 'mommy'.

And here's the most recent picture of Rob and I. He's my true love, the man who made me a mother. Thank you so much.
After dinner and the guests had left, the four of us packed into the car and headed out to the drive-in movie theatre for a double feature. First we saw 'Failure to Launch'. Very funny, much fun. By the end of it both kids were sleeping. Great. Rob and I thought we'd get to enjoy the next movie on our own, 'Mission Impossible III'. Nope. That would have been too easy. About 30 minutes into it Ian wakes with a vengeance. It appeared that he was rather ticked off that he was stuck in his car seat. His crying woke Jayden who proceeded to scream as well. Rob tried to settle Ian while I settled Jayden. It was not meant to be. So off home we went. Got to sleep by 1am.
Baby woke at 7. Ian woke at 730, but was convinced to go back to sleep for another hour. I sort of got to sleep in while Rob took Ian to church. I baked a chocolate cake, Rob made me Eggos with strawberries and whipped cream, then I made a smoked salmon/cream cheese spread for crackers. While the kids napped I got myself ready to go. Then we packed up the food I'd made, and the kids, and headed off to a Mother's Day lunch with Rob's extended Martin family. We had a nice visit with everyone and of course Ian had fun running around with his cousins.
When we got home Rob took the boys downstairs so I could clean up the kitchen from dinner the night before. Then I folded two loads of laundry while we watched the finale of Survivor. We went to sleep around midnight I think.
Now you may be thinking that my Mother's Day didn't sound very restful or relaxing. To be sure I spent a lot of time cooking and cleaning. But I did have a bit of break from being a mommy. Rob did most of the child care. He got both boys dressed and ready, changed almost all the diapers all day, and kept them occupied so I could to housework. You see, Rob is such a fantastic husband and father, that almost everyday feels like Mother's Day to me. Rob cooks, cleans, does laundry, vacuums, and changes Ian's poopy diapers most of the time (they REALLY stink). So because he had a cold this weekend, and is such a swell guy (for the most part), I let him take over "mommying" stuff while I took over the house.
Today Jayden had me up at 4am. Rob left for work before 630am (not to return until 730pm). Ian woke up at 745. I've changed two poopy diapers, dusted, vacuumed, washed floors, entertained Rob's grandma, dealt with a temper tantrum, pulled some weeds, and made dinner, along with all the usual taking care of kids stuff like nursing, playing, reading books and singing songs etc, etc. So I'm right back into being a mom. And I LOVE it. I am so blessed. There is truly no greater job on earth.
So here's a cute picture of the two boys that call me 'mommy'.

And here's the most recent picture of Rob and I. He's my true love, the man who made me a mother. Thank you so much.

At 16/5/06 07:50,
Jen said…
You have a gorgeous family! :) Sounds like a nice mothers day.
At 16/5/06 08:14,
Angella said…
Matthew is a hands-on Daddy too - those are the best kind!
Your kids are SOOOO CUTE!
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