Martin's Four

Heidi's living with three boys!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Get around, get around, he gets around, oh...

After many days of hard work and practice, much squirming backwards on his tummy and rocking on his hands and knees, Jayden has finally managed to crawl forward.

Once he reached the dump truck he collapsed to take a well deserved rest.

In other news he sleeps 7-9 hrs at night about half the time. The other half he's up every 3-4 hrs wanting to nurse. My poor breasts are so confused I'm working on my second plugged duct in as many weeks. We did find a nipple that will allow him to take formula from a bottle, even when I feed it to him, and when that doesn't work he'll drink from a sippy cup. He still only eats bananas and cheerios though, but I've been to lazy to try anything else recently. Thank goodness he'll take formula now, since my 10 year reunion is tomorrow night in Chilliwack, and Rob's brother Jim is marrying his sweetheart Christy on Sunday, and we definitely want to have some childless fun.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Day with Grammi and Papa.

On the day that Rob was attending his brother's stag (golfing and poker), the kids and I spent the day with my parents in North Van.
We went to Maplewood farm and saw lots of animals.

Ian was very brave with the sheep and goats but was very frightened of the bunny rabbits. Who knows?

After the farm we went to Cates Park, Whey-Ah-Whichen. There we heard some bands give a free concert and took turns chasing Ian. Jayden took a nap. When the second band began to play quite loud rock music Ian announced that it was "too loud" and we should go to "Gammi's house". So we did.

I don't get it.(see July 7 post)

Rob took me to a French restaurant in West Vancouver for our 6th wedding anniversary on July 8th. What I don't get is how French women don't get fat if they eat the way we ate that night. So much BUTTER! It was extremely rich food. Delicious, a lot of it too. Rob couldn't finish his 7 hour lamb, so I helped him polish it off the next day. Somehow I don't think that meal caused me to lose any weight.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Football 101!

Guess who I got to meet? Yes! That's me with the great Lui himself.
The BC Lions have this great thing called Football 101 for women. Sorry guys. We got to go hang out in the locker room at the training facility in Surrey. We learned the basics of CFL football from Jason Clermont and Javier Glatt, and got to meet Wally Buono and Lui Passaglia. I kicked myself for not bringing my camera to that session but remembered it for the next homegame where we got to go down on the field and watch the pre-game warm-up. I seriously almost got hit in the face by a ball thrown by Dave Dickenson. I had a total blast. I recommend it to anyone who is even remotely interested in football. The Lions did an awesome job, Jason and Javier were truly superb teachers! It was too bad they lost that game though.

Here's Jayden at that game. He had fun too!

Friday, July 14, 2006

A day in Lynn Valley.

When Rob's cousin Todd and his daughter Violet came up for a visit at the end of June we went for a walk up at Lynn Valley. Ian did a fabulous job, I had trouble keeping up with him and was in constant fear he'd tumble down the mountain side. He was a little freaked out going over the suspension bridge, but he made it with Daddy's help.

Sitting by the pool where people were cliff-jumping. (heart in my mouth there too, not for Rob and Ian, but for the crazy kids leaping off the mountain side.)

Ian playing by the river.
I framed this one and displayed it. He's so cute.

Pics from Father's Day.

Getting Jayden dedicated.

My sister Heather with my little boys.

Jayden getting excited about the cake. To bad he didn't get any, except later in the form of breastmilk.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Did you know...

...that French women don't get fat?

That was in the subject line of an email we got. When Rob was on his no carb let's get skinny kick he somehow signed up for all kinds of health junk emails that we continue getting at least 2-3 times a day.
So apparently if you eat like French women you won't get fat. Go figure.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

He rolls his eyes.

Yup. Rob rolls his eyes at me when I mention blogging. I've been expressing my sense of unease that I haven't updated here lately, and that I'm missing what's been going on at some of my blogger faves, and then he rolls his eyes. I have some blogs that I LOVE to read, and he says to me "You don't even KNOW these people, but you have a family right HERE that you do know and should spend time with". He makes an excellent point.
So, in favour of my husband here goes...(pics will come later)
Fathers day was FANTASTIC, Jayden was so good and sweet.
Bought an airconditioner for the dining room window because we got HOT. New patio furniture for our new deck (long story stay tuned).
Good time spent with cousins Todd and Violet from Texas.
Rob's motorcycle is no more. (Another long story)
Rob is now on vacation til Aug 20, hiphiphooray!
Jayden sometimes sleeps 7 hours and sometimes wakes every 2-3 hours and only eats bananas. Rolls and sits like a pro and is showing signs of impending crawling.

Gotta run, I'll try to be back sometime soon.