Martin's Four

Heidi's living with three boys!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Rob!!

Rob is 30 today! He's been on this earth for 3 decades, he's officially left his twenties and entered his 31st year! This birthday is the reason for his insane diet (on which he lost at least 30 pounds!! so unfair), beacause he said he didn't want to be "fat and out of shape when I turn 30". According to him it's all downhill from here. ;-)

All joking aside, it is much fun to have our birthdays so close together. Usually we do something for both of us in one night, but this year it's all about him. We're having a bunch of people over tomorrow night for dinner and another chocolate cake.
I was planning on doing this post a lot earlier today and I was going to wax eloquent on Rob's virtues and all the reasons I love him so, but that, I think, will have to wait for a later time. You see, Rob had a cold last week, and Ian has a little snuffle and I came down with it harshly the other day. So I'm being lazy today because my head is so thick with congestion I can barely think. (And I can't drug myself to happiness since I'm breastfeeding, so I suffer.) I was planning on making a nice big homemade dinner tomorrow but we're cheating and we got M&M's instead. I'm still doing the cake, because it's necessary on a birthday like this to have a nice big cake fresh out of the oven...

So, Rob, happy happy birthday! I love you tons! May we spend many many more birthdays together.

(ps. I'll also post pics later too.)


  • At 31/3/06 21:00, Blogger Shirley said…

    Happy Birthday Rob! Hope you all are over your colds etc. I think it has gone through our house twice this month! FUN!....NOT!


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