....ha ha...not really. Just thought I'd grab your attention, give you a thrill.
No, no, no big news, just lots of little news. I've been too busy to post lately, all my time on the internet is spent reading other peoples blogs. I've also been wanting to post pictures to go with all the blog stories I have in my head but our camera isn't talking to the computer, or the computer isn't talking to the camera, either way there's been a general falling out between the two and I can't seem to figure out what to do to get them back together. So instead of pictures you'll get a bunch of words and maybe some older pictures. Here's a quick run down of our lives the last 2-3 weeks or so...
Tamar, a friend from Prairie Bible College who also was in the Aviation program (check out her adventures in the link-->), and her husband Piers stopped by during their worldly travelling. We had the pleasure of giving them lunch and playing some Rook, on Thursday March 23. (Yes, it's been that long since I've been wanting to post about this.) Poor Piers, such a good sport, even though he's never played before, he gamely endured an hour or so of Rook. I hope he doesn't think us boring, or inhospitable, by us making him play, but Tamar really really did want to play it. It was a delightful afternoon. We feel honored that they deemed us important enough to include on their itinerary.
Rob's birthday party on March 25th was lots of fun. In attendance we had friends Jen and Dwayne and little Josiah (soooo good to visit with them), Brian and Andrea, and brother Jim and his fiance Christy. Good food and good company.
That following week we laid low while the kids and I got over our colds. (We saw a dr and the dr said...I COULD take decongestants. So I did at night, oh sweet relief.)
Because I had a baby, Welcome Wagon offered a free facial or foot spa from Mary Kay (complete with pressure to buy AND join the band and become a seller of the product). I decided to risk it and thoroughly enjoyed a foot spa (and only spent about 30 dollars).
Rob and I went to the dentist. (I HATE going to the dentist.) What a nasty experience. OK, my teeth are pretty good. I have maybe three fillings in my mouth, and rarely get cavities, so that's not what scares me. And yes, the dentist scares me. I've done some inner purusing, and I think I know the source of my fear. I'm afraid of needles. Seriously phobic! I've had my share of shots (been to Africa, got lots), I've had two babies. Bloodwork, IV's, etc, etc. I know it's not overly painful, nothing like labour, so it's not necessarily the pain that I'm afraid of. The fear is in my head, it involves any sharp pointy like instrument piercing my body. (Hence no earings, and never never any tatoos!) Needles and needle-like things make my knees go weak, and if pushed a little I'll cry like a baby. Can't even watch stuff like that on TV. (Yes, my babies vaccines are traumatic for me.)
One time I was at the dentist and the dentist thought I'd be interested to see what he was doing. I got to watch in the mirror while he did the scaling. You know, with that needle like instrument shaped like a hook that he uses to scrape gunk out from under the gums. YIKES! Ever since then each trip is more stressful, and the other mildly unpleasant things, like floss and flouride by association are cause for tension.
So, at this latest trip to the dentists office of horrors I get some bad news. One of my fillings needs to be fixed, and my upper right wisdom tooth that grew in shortly before I became pregnant with Jayden, needs to be removed (I sort of expected that one). These things involve needles. I am sooo scared. The whole appointment made me so tense I got a wicked headache, and of course my gums were sore, and then Rob while trying to reassure me talked about getting his wisdom teeth out the whole way to his parents in the car and it all made me cry. I bawled my eyes out. So I'm delaying. Putting it off. I won't be going back until Jayden is weaned. No need for me to get all those drugs into my breastmilk right? So I figure I've got about 8 months before this torture. And now I will forget about it.
We got haircuts. Rob, Ian and I. And we look mighty fine. Wish I could show you pictures.
It's spring, which means spring and summer clothing. Last summer I was growing a baby in my belly and my wardrobe was severely limited. I just recycled 3-4 outfits all summer. But now I can once again take out all my pre-pregnancy summer wear, because yes, I lost ALL the baby weight. Pardon me while I boast a bit. I lost all the Ian baby weight after him, but then gained 6 pounds in the month after he weaned just before I got pregnant. (I lost it again puking my guts out with morning sickness but it came back quickly so it doesn't really count, mostly water you know.) Well, I've lost all of that, plus that 6, PLUS another 7! Whoo hoo! Hooray for breastfeeding! It will be interesting to see if it stays off after weaning Jayden, because I really like to eat. I am totally into eating whatever, whenever. Half a bag of Oreos at midnight? Why not? Jayden will suck it all off the next morning. Gotta love it.
Ian's learning new words every day. Most recently he's learning colors. He can point out the basic wed, g'een, boo, wehwoh, pupoh, and pik, more often then not. He's so much fun!
Rob bought a motorcycle. It doesn't run but he's working on that. It's exciting because when he takes that to work I can have the car and escape my house and go visit other people.
We still like naps. Sometimes Jayden co-operates, and sometimes he just can't co-ordinate his napping with Ian's. I grab the time when I can.
sidenote: it's annoying when people ring the door during nap time, I'm thinking of getting a "Shhh! Baby sleeping" sign to hang on the front door. Good idea? We already turn the phone ringer off and let the machine handle incomings, but just recently the doorbell rang and woke Ian prematurely.
Also on a sleeping note...Jayden regressed to 3:20 am feedings for a while. Thankfully that passed though and we're back to 6-7hrs of sleeping in a row.
So that's a brief (although fairly long) summary of our lives the past few weeks. We have more family birthdays and of course Easter coming up to look forward to.
(Ooops sorry no pics in this one...I'll do another.)