So this is a fairly unflattering picture of me, but a pretty cute one of Jayden. Rob snapped this yesterday during our nap. Before you judge me too harshly regarding co-sleeping, pillow, blankets et al with SIDS, let me explain a bit. We don't usually sleep like this. If Jayden is in our bed he's more removed from pillows and such, and certainly not that close to me. In fact at the moment of this picture he had already slept for an hour and a half in his crib, but since I was not yet ready to get up, and he didn't need to eat right then, the simple (also known as the lazy) solution was to let him cuddle up with me and then we got another hour of snoozing in. We have a bassinet next to our bed where Jayden slept really well for the first six weeks of his life. Then a week after New Years we got this really terrible puking/diarrhea sickness, which of course hit me the worst (because if there is any puking to be done
I'm really good at it). After that we went through about three weeks of bronchitis, with everyone (including baby) on antibiotics at some point. During all this sickness, I was spending a fair amount of time in bed...with Jayden. It was just soooo easy to keep him right next to me so I wouldn't have to go far or expend much energy when it came to nursing him. Well of course since then he has become so used to sleeping with us that when we tried putting him back in the bassinet his sleep got much worse, and shorter. We've worked on it and he is now back in the bassinet and sometimes even the crib across the hall at night, but for naps during the day...if I want a nice long snooze it's happens way easier with him in bed with me.
I think I've talked enough about napping. (Though expect to hear more about it because it is one of my most favourite things.) The title of this post included other good stuff, like banana bread. I made some yesterday. I have an amazing recipe for "Fluffy Banana Cake". I think it is even better than my moms, which I've alway thought was super yummy. I don't often bake, or cook, or do much food preparation at all, but when I do, it really is too bad that it usually is something that Rob doesn't or won't eat. So the house smelled really good last night and it made me happy.
Another good thing is baths. Long, hot baths with pretty smelling stuff in the water accompanied by a book. I got one of those last night. Rob went off to work a midnight shift, Ian went to bed, and Jayden kept me company in this little swing next to the tub where he cooed and gurgled at me and eventually fell asleep, and let me lounge for a good hour. So my day yesterday was pretty good, but I paid for it during the night. I did get three straight hours of sleep then was up hourly with one or the other of the boys and then the night ended for good at 6:45am (which is very early for us, and even earlier when the night began at 12:30am).
But then today is Wednesday, and Wednesdays have become my new favourite day.
I go to something called Breakaway for women, at the church we are attending now, from 9-11am every Wednesday, and they provide child care for Ian. The first hour we sit around eating, drinking coffee, chatting, singing a bit, listening to a bit of a talk, then the next hour they offer a whole list of electives from piano, to crafts, to cooking, running, and book studies. The one I chose is a class called "Mommy and Baby". It's facilitated by an RN, and it's an hour I get to spend with Jayden, talking to other Mom's about babies. I love it!! Ian loves it too. He's so social he has a great time playing with other kids, and the ladies that look after them all say they love having Ian because he is so happy and good, even though he is very active and runs so fast that he wears them out. But that's good because after Breakaway we go home, eat lunch and then take a nap. (See? I told you.)
Now just for fun here's a picture of my first baby boy. He brought me the camera and asked for "cheese". So I obliged.